Nutanix AHV Deployment


  1. Ensure you have access to your Nutanix AHV cluster.

  2. Install the following tools on your workstation:

Step 1: Kubernetes Cluster Requirements

Set up a Kubernetes cluster on Nutanix. Nutanix Kubernetes Engine docs here.

Step 2: Configure Persistent Storage

Nutanix AHV uses the Nutanix CSI (Container Storage Interface) driver for Kubernetes to manage persistent storage. Install and configure the CSI driver:

  1. Install the Nutanix CSI driver for Kubernetes following the Nutanix CSI documentation.

  2. Create a default StorageClass in Kubernetes for dynamic provisioning:

kind: StorageClass
  name: nutanix-sc
parameters: ext4

Step 3: Configure Kubernetes Networking

Ensure an ingress controller is installed for external access to your services.

  1. To install the kubernetes ingress-nginx controller. If the cluster is on a public subnet, a network load balancer will be provisioned automatically. If the cluster is on a private subnet the network load balancer will need to be manually provisioned to the nginx ingress.

    helm install --namespace kube-system nginx ingress-nginx --repo <>

Step 4: Prepare Violet Configuration

  1. Create a violet-values.yml configuration file for the deployment:

    domain: # The domain where Violet will be served. Subdomain must be "violet":
    customerName: # The customer name of your license. Provided by Violet
    licenseKey: # Your license key. Provided by Violet
    adminEmail: # Admin user email for the customer
    adminName: # Admin user full name ("Firstname Lastname") for the customer
      accessKeyId: # Leave blank or remove if not applicable
      accessKeySecret: # Leave blank or remove if not applicable
      storageClass: nutanix-sc
    # optional: This is required if you wish to use an external database 
    # instead of an internal postgres db automatically spun up by the helm chart. 
    # Do not add if using the internal db. 
      enabled: false # Disable internal database if using an external database
        host: # hostname for external db
        password: # db user password
        username: # db user username
        adminPassword: # admin user password
        adminUsername: # admin username

Step 5: Fetch Internal Secrets from Violet

For managing secrets securely on Nutanix, you can use Kubernetes Secrets or integrate with Nutanix Vault or HashiCorp Vault. This is used to load some customer-specific secrets from the Violet AWS cloud into the On-Prem Violet Deployment.

  1. Install External Secrets:

    helm repo add external-secrets <>
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --namespace external-secrets --create-namespace --install --wait external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets
  2. Create a secret that allows Kubernetes to access the Violet Helm Chart repository:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry --namespace violet ecr-creds --docker-username=AWS --docker-password=$(aws ecr --profile violet-external get-login-password)

Step 6: Deploy Violet Helm Chart

  1. Create a namespace for Violet:

    kubectl create namespace violet
  2. Log into the Violet Helm Chart Repository

    aws ecr --profile violet-external get-login-password | helm registry login --username AWS --password-stdin
  3. Install the Violet Helm Chart:

    helm upgrade --namespace violet --create-namespace --install myviolet oci:// --version 1.0.0-main -f violet-values.yml

Step 7: Verify Installation

Note that it may take up to 5 minutes to run the database provisioning scripts. You can check the status of the deployment by looking at the pods:

  1. Check the status of the pods in the Violet namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n violet

Step 8: Post-Installation Configuration

After installation is complete the helm chart will print our some information and commands including the URL to access your new deployment, how to get the IP Address that the deployment is served at (for setting up DNS rules) and how to obtain the auto-generated password for the account.

Last updated

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