Data Explorer

The Data Explorer allows you to view, manage and interact with data from various sources, all in one place:

  • View Entities: Instantly see fetched data from your integrations displayed succinctly in one place.

  • Filter Results: Quickly narrow your results by applying filters to specific columns or searching for key terms.

  • Create Charts: Easily create charts in just a couple clicks, enabling you to quickly visualize and document your data.

  • Export Data: Download values in CSV or Excel formats for further analysis, manipulation, and sharing.

Getting Started

The Data Explorer page is accessed from the main navigation panel.

By default, the data table will populate with data on all entities integrated with Violet. You can further edit the table by performing a variety of actions within the table:

  • Sort Data: Click on any column header to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

  • Filter Data: Look for the filter icon on each column header. Click it to apply filters and refine your data. You may additionally apply filters by clicking on the Filters panel on the left of the table and then selecting the column name you wish to filter.

  • Adjust Column Width: Drag the edges of column headers to resize the width of columns as needed.

  • Rearrange Columns: Click and drag column headers to change their order and prioritize the information that matters most to you.

  • Show or Hide Columns: Find the overflow option in the column header to toggle the visibility of specific columns. You may also update column visibility by clicking on the Columns panel on the left of the table.

  • Group Data: Control which columns the rows are grouped by via the “Group By” option in the column header overflow option. You may also create grouping by clicking on the Columns panel on the left of the table and then dragging the column header you wish to group by.

What are Violet Explorations?

After you modify data in the Explorer, click Save to create an Exploration. We suggest you give your exploration a unique and descriptive name. If you make further updates to the table, you may save your changes by clicking Save again (or revert by clicking the Remove Filter icon; both buttons sit above the table).

Explorations save both the filter as well as the view of your data. These can be made either private or public, and editable by others or not.

Saving both your a specific filter along with a desired view enable reports that are immediately understandable by both you and your team.

Accessing existing Explorations

There are two ways to access and manage Explorations.

  1. The open icon sits above the table (see screenshot below) - click on it to see all Explorations visible to you. Selecting one will update the view presented in the table and the page URL. Simply share this link with others and they'll view the same data - click refresh to see any live data updates.

  2. Navigate to the gear icon in the top right-hand corner to edit and delete explorations in the Manage Explorations page. Here, you can view, edit, and delete Explorations that are shared with you. We highlight key details of the Violet Exploration including who created it and whether it is public or private.


Can anyone access a Violet Exploration I have created?

By default, Violet Explorations are private to you. Other users cannot see or edit your private explorations.

You have the option to share Explorations with your team. Shareability may be modified when initially creating an Exploration, or updating an existing Exploration. To make a Violet Exploration shareable, toggle the Make public switch to the right.

How could I show entities assigned to specific people in my company?

Violet stores this data in the Assignee column which is hidden by default. To modify the table to show this information, you must first update the visibility of the Assignee column. You can open the columns panel by clicking on the word columns to the left of the table. Then, click on the checkbox next to Assignee. You will see the column immediately appear in the table. Next, click on the filter icon on the newly visible column header. You may select a subset of people as assignees. Filter changes should be immediately visible.

How do I tag entities(s)?

Tags are added on the Data Explorer page after rows are selected. To select a row, click the checkbox next to its Violet Id. To select multiple items between two options, hold down the Shift key and click on the first and last entities you wish to choose.

The Add Tags button above the table will be enabled if items are selected. Click on the button to either create a new tag or add items to an existing tag.

How do I revert changes to the data table?

Click on the reset filters button that sits above the table. The button is disabled when no filter changes have been applied. You can also exit an Exploration by clicking on the X to the right of its name.

How often are data updated on the table?

Data are updated alongside the refetch interval for each integration scheduled on the integrations page. Data are typically reflected multiple times per day.

How do I subscribe to changes tied to a specific entity?

Clicking on a row within the table will open the Violet Entity details sidebar on the right of the page. Once opened, click on the Eye icon to subscribe to any changes tied to the entity. Changes will be added as notifications, shown in the Bell Icon on the main navigation. Changes will also populate Slack if you have previously integrated Violet with Slack.

Last updated

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