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Sedaro is structured to automate the exchange of engineering data between disciplines.
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To connect Sedaro in Violet, you’ll need to create an API key.
In your Sedaro Management Console, under API Keys, click the “Plus” icon to create a new key.
Users can link values from elsewhere in Violet to a Sedaro component and push changes back to Sedaro whenever the linked value changes.
Create a Sedaro integration that pulls in a branch. Head to the branch detail page and select the sub-component that you want to modify.
On the selected sub-component detail page, linkable properties will have a link symbol next to them. To link it, click on the link button and use the search to select the property on an entity elsewhere in Violet (parameter value, entity from another integration, etc) that you would like to replace this value. This updated value will display on the properties list and will be pushed to Sedaro.
Be careful, as the selected linked entity value will immediately be pushed to Sedaro and will overwrite any existing values.
Whenever the linked value changes, the new value will be pushed to Sedaro.
To unlink this value, hit the unlink button next to the property. This will save this property to the current value, and will stop updating whenever the linked entity changes.
Users can start a simulation in Sedaro on a selected branch from Violet
To start a simulation on demand, go to a branch detail page, select ‘Start Simulation’ under ‘Available Sedaro Functions’, and then press push.
To start a simulation when a linked value changes
Follow the ‘Pushing Linked Values To Sedaro’ guide above to link a Sedaro value
Go to ‘Workflows’ in ‘Tools’ and hit ‘+Workflow’ to create a new one
Give your workflow a name, and select ‘Activity’ as the type and ‘Linked Property Value Changed’ as the Activity type
For ‘Enter the ID of the Violet Entity to Watch’, enter the Violet ID of the Sedaro Subcomponent with the linked value that you made in step A. From the example above, that would be the Testing Ground Point JSC with a Violet ID of V-SED-152.
Select ‘Select an Entity Specific Action’ as the action.
For ‘Enter the ID of the Violet Entity to get a list of available actions’, enter the Violet ID of the branch you will run the Simulation on. In the example above, that would be the main branch with a Violet ID of V-SED-107
When the list of entity specific actions pops up, select ‘Start Simulation’ and save the workflow.
Now, whenever a linked entity value changes on the selected subcomponent, a new simulation will start in Sedaro.